The raindrops of my heart…

As I sit here and type, I can hear the rain.

The rain is often such a soothing sound.

But, what I can’t hear this morning is what is bothering me.
It is what is hurting.


Yesterday began like most Sundays. We were off to church. On the way home we stopped at a feed store that had a big sale going on with hotdogs, popcorn, and a live band.  My spirit was high as we traveled home, as I discussed with my husband the plans that I had for making the duck run more secure.  When we got home, it was raining, and I went to see how my birds were enjoying the rain, but I was not prepared what what I saw.  Every morning before this I had been awoken by the same noise, and that was my ducks quacking.  They would quack, and I would go outside and feed them.  Sometimes it would drive me crazy, and other times I would go outside with joy just to see their little faces.  This day all I saw was blood, and bodies and torn off heads.  While we were at church, our German Shepard had gotten out, dug a hole under the duck pen, and killed the ducks one by one.  I was in shock.  I did not know what to do.  Obviously we could not keep our dog anymore.  She had killed one too many birds.  She had escaped her dog run way too many times.  My husband went into action and took care of the mess while I consoled my crying children.  I lost my four ducks yesterday, but I lost my dog as well.  Now as I sit here and type listening to the rain, it is too quiet.  There are is no dog barking, and there are no ducks quacking.  


The rain outside is like the tears for my soul.  It is only ducks, I try and tell myself, but right now I am going to be sad about it.  Because I did not lose four pets yesterday, I lost five, and I can not shake the feeling that I could have done something to prevent it.


As the rain poured yesterday metaphorically, and physically I decided to plant my fall garden, so that through the pain and the loss, something new could come from it.  New life, and a saved life.  On this crazy day an owl also slammed into our big front window.  My husband heard it and was ready to put it “out of its misery” as he was sure that it had broke it’s neck.  I told him the bird was probably in shock, and I was right.  It had knocked itself out.  After a few minutes it flew away.  It turned out to be a little pygmy owl.

The loss of life is a part of life, so is the beginning of new life.  As I listen to the rain, I hope that it soaks my seeds in the garden.  I hope that it washes away my sorrow, because after all, tomorrow is a new day.


10 thoughts on “The raindrops of my heart…”

  1. I’m so sorry Leiloni. This is a well written, but terribly sad event. I’m truly sorry for your loss. May you find comfort as your seeds start to grow and flourish bringing new life. You are loved.

  2. Oh no! I am so sorry about your ducks. I can’t imagine how hard it was to come home to that. And I am so sorry you lost your dog as well. I know you made the best choice for you and your family(including your other animals), but I know that could not have been easy for you.

  3. You have a gift for expressing yourself! I hope you have new ducks and new growth in your garden soon. Hugs!

    1. Thank you. We did go and pick up some more ducks. It will be interesting to see the garden when I get home.

  4. Leiloni, am so sad about your loss. I love your post about it. What a wise and positive thing you did to help overcome the destruction you found. Sending love and prayers for you and your family.

  5. Oh, this made my heart hurt. Our dog killed one of our chickens, and that was so sad. I can’t imagine the pain and heartache you felt. I hope your fall garden has sprouted, and you are feeling a little better.

    1. This was not the first time. She has killed multiple chickens, and quail. Every time it was sad, but this was the worse that it ever was.

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