To Read, or to Clean? That is the Question.

On a beautiful sunny afternoon, while the children are outside at play, I have to ask myself a very important question:  to read, or to clean?


Now that I am free of the bonds of a university, I find that I want to read and learn about so much.  That is now that I have time that allows for me to choose what it is that I want to study, or what I will want to teach.  For the last three years, I have been completing my bachelor’s degree in education.  Education is the farthest thing that it has been for me.  Yes, I did learn some things, but mostly what I learned was how to write a paper so that I could get an A.  With that bit aside, the best thing about being done with school is the time to truly learn, now that my formal schooling is done.  


As I look at my stack of books, and ponder on the videos that I can watch, if I have free time I can choose between learning about proper diet and exercise, or appropriate manners for a class that I will be teaching.  Or I can look to my own personal studies of children’s yoga, and leadership education.  I also have a book lying around for fun that usually has to wait until I read it at night, because I really should read through all of the policies and procedures of becoming a foster parent.  So as the children ride their bikes, meet new neighbors, and enjoy the sun, I have some precious time to fill with something good.  What and how much depends on how much I also have to do around the house.  At least when I make the choice to clean, I can still be swept away to Paris, Rome, or Greece compliments of audible and the Count of Monte Cristo.    


As I begin this blogging adventure, I welcome you to comment on what is it that you struggle with when choosing what to do when you have those spare moments of time in the day.  Now that I have this, I guess that I have one more choice, and that is, do I write?

While I go through this journey of discovering what there is to learn, I would like to invite you to subscribe to my blog so that I can share it all  with you.  Not only what I learn through books, and videos, but through life.  Because as it is said, life is the best teacher.  Welcome to Leiloni’s Life Lessons.

5 thoughts on “To Read, or to Clean? That is the Question.”

  1. This has always been the question, to read or to clean. I think I can learn from you. It’s important to take time for you and the house can wait.

    1. Yes, the house can wait. I do go back and forth between wishing that my house was more clean, but honestly, they just mess up what I clean anyways. I have learned to settle with a clean kitchen, and everything else just being ok.

  2. I think I am going to enjoy your blog. Happy for you to be finished with formal education. I never did well with formal ed, butove learning and reading. Enjoy.

    1. I am the same way. I learned a lot by going back to school, but most of it was not from the classroom content.

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