Two Steps Forward, and One Step Back

Gardening: one thing that I feel is both rewarding and frustrating at the same time.  Every year I tell myself that I am still learning, and that the garden will be better next year.  I wonder what year it will be before my garden is able to feed my family.  The last two years were especially difficult because we were getting ready to sell our house, and I didn’t want to put anything in the ground, so I experimented with gardening in pots.  


Now, that we have moved, I have torn up all of the grassy areas at the new house in order to make a garden.  


The only problem is that the grass is difficult to keep away.  I was only able to garden about half of the back area this summer, so I decided to plant a fall garden this year.  Last week as I cried about my ducks, I planted seeds in the rain (read the last blog for more on that).  The seeds are starting to grow, but so is. . . more grass!  This morning when I went to check on the seeded area, this is what I saw:


I refuse to let the grass grow.  Digging up grass is extremely difficult and I do not want to do it again.  It is sort of like life.  I think that I get somewhere, or that I am learning something in order to better myself, and then there are weeds that just pop up that I have to deal with.  I have to believe that the end result will be worth it, because if not, why try at all?

What makes a garden grow?  It needs good soil, water, sun, and a lot of hard work.  I am willing to put in the work.  It is not all about the food that could be provided for the family.  Gardening is about working hard, and getting rewards for the work that is put in. The silver lining for me includes red, and juicy strawberries gleamed from a box of free strawberries that we saw for free on the side of the road that we nursed back to health.


What does hard work provide for you?  Feel free to share in the comments below, and please subscribe.

2 thoughts on “Two Steps Forward, and One Step Back”

  1. I also love to garden. And even though I’ve been doing it for a few years, I’m still not super great at it. But the lessons learned are priceless–hard work and perseverance pay off in very delicious ways.

    1. Yes. I think that it will get better every year. I often think of the Little House series when they lost their entire crop and all of their plans went to ruin.

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