VIPkid – Two MONTHS in!

It has been a little over two months since I started VIPkid.  I wanted to do this job so that I could make a few hundred dollars so that I could pay off my college loans.  What I found in the first month is that it could do so much more!


To start with, waking up early was hard, but manageable once I got into a regular routine.  


Next, I found that some of these children are truly a joy to teach.


Finally, I found that I made a lot more money than I thought I would, and I actually enjoy it!
My first paycheck was over $1300, and I was only working part time.  I could handle the commute. I could handle the location. I think I can handle the sleeping arrangement!

If you are interested in getting started with VIPkid, please let me know and I can help you through the entire process!



7 thoughts on “VIPkid – Two MONTHS in!”

  1. That sounds amazing!!! I would to hear more about the subjects you teach, the age ranges, etc.

    1. I teach English to children in China. I am certified to teach most ages. Let me know if you have more questions!

  2. Wow! I’ve seen a lot of people recommend doing VIPKID as a way to make a little cash, but $1300 for part-time is pretty incredible. I’d love to know a little more about your experience, and what’s like to teach with VIPKID.

    1. I am sorry that it took so long to write you back. Now that I have completed my first 6 month contract with VIPkid, there is more that I could share with you. I don’t always make $1300 a month, but that is because I get to choose the time slots that I open. I love it and have signed my second contract with them. If you want to ask more questions, feel free to email me at

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