Is Your Elf on the Shelf?

If your elf is anything like mine, it doesn’t spend that much time actually on the shelf.  If you have no idea what I am talking about, it is a craze that began not too many years ago where an elf comes to visit children’s homes in order to spy for Santa. And if that doesn’t sound creepy enough, this elf also moves when the children are sleeping. The elf is a plush toy that comes with a book that explains the whole legend, and this year my daughter got one for her birthday which is in November.  


I wanted to wait until after Thanksgiving to pose the elf every night, however, my twelve year old wanted to begin right away.  Here are some of the photos of elf when he posed it every morning before my daughter woke up.

Since Thanksgiving I have taken on the poses. Here are the few that I have completed. They are not as imaginative as I would like, but we have the rest of the time until Christmas to throw in some more fun ones,  stay tuned!


What else will that elf get up to? Subscribe to see her crazy antics this Christmas season!

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