For All My Little Yogis, and those who love them!

Years back my children, and I first attended a children’s yoga class at a gym that we had a membership to.  It was one in which parent participation was encouraged, and I had a lot of fun with my then baby, four year old, and six year old.  We learned some of the poses, and played games.  Their favorite was crab ball.  Years later we found a family yoga class at the YMCA.  My then eight year old boy, five year old girl and I loved taking it together so much.  So, naturally when the opportunity arose this last summer to become a yoga teacher for children, I jumped right on it.  Before explaining the training process let us explore what the benefits are for children to take yoga.


Benefits of Yoga For Children

Exercise – First, and foremost parents are continuously seeking ways in which to help their children to remain more active.  Childhood activity is at an all time low, with childhood obesity on the rise.  There are many reasons that may contribute to this from diet, to inactivity.  Either way children’s yoga can get children up and moving in a fun, and engaging way.


Self-Control – As children learn about different ways in which their bodies can move, they also learn more about how to control themselves.  Another way in which yoga can teach this to children is through yoga stories that have a theme, or a moral to them that shows children that they can be brave, strong, truthful, good friends, and that they can take care of themselves, and others.


Self-Awareness – Learning about how their bodies work, as well as where their body is in space is a challenge for some children.  For these children, and others having their own personal space on a yoga mat in order to explore what it is that their body can do is an extremely helpful thing.


Stress Relief – More and more children are having to deal with stress, anxiety, and even depression.  Just exercising alone releases endorphins that help to stave off certain aspects of depression.  Also, there are certain yoga postures such as rubbing the ear lobes, and learning cleansing breaths that help to calm down anger, and other overwhelming emotions.  At the end of a class we can relax in savasana (relaxation pose), and know that there are ways in which to relax our bodies when we need to.


Confidence – Becoming stronger in mind and body is a huge confidence boost to many.  When children can see what their body is capable of, as well as what they are able to do after sustained practice is an encouragement to many.  Short reassuring phrases spoken to children during the relaxation pose help with this as well.


As I first began to search for a way in which to become trained to teach children’s yoga, I searched for something that I could complete at home since I have four children that I stay home with.  The pricing, and time commitment were also a huge factor, as well as what it would be that I would actually learn from taking the course.  The choice that I made in order to become a certified yoga teacher was to take on, and complete the Cosmic Kids Yoga Certification.  Jaime Amor’s training also encourages adults to learn yoga as an example, and so I began my own yoga practice.  The training process took me over five months to complete, because the final exam so to speak, was to memorize, and perform a certain yoga story, and to record it and send it in for feedback.  Memorization is no longer a strong suit of mine so I took a while at doing this.  Another reason that I may have taken so long is that I did not give myself a deadline.  In the New Year’s goal post I speak about goals needing a timeline, and in this case it was true.  As soon as I gave myself a date that I was going to record this video, it happened.  Just last week I received my certificate that shows that I am trained, and ready to go.  Today I will be going to speak to a local dance studio about teaching children’s yoga here. Wish me luck, and namaste!

CK TT Cert work in progress