New Year, so far. . .

With New Year’s eve being last Monday this should have been my blog last week, however, with the holidays, and applying for a new job, it just didn’t happen.  I have made some new goals for this year, and here is what they are. That is right, no resolutions for me, just some good old goals (especially since I am still working on the ones from last year).

  1. Hike the Grand Canyon
  2. Finish the two books that I am working on, and publish them.
  3. Get my gut, and teeth healthy, and to stay healthy!


How the goals are coming in one week:
So far, so good.  I have joined an online hiking support group where I am trying to hike (or walk) 2019 miles in 2019.  I have joined a gym so that I can also workout at a steep incline in order to sculpt my leg muscles. This year my mother, and I are going to hike the Grand Canyon in one day, so I have to really get at it!  As for finishing my books, one of them is from last year. I just am writing it slowly as inspiration comes to me. As for the other book, it is the one that I was working on for NaNoWriMo, and I just need to finish it up!  My son and I are going to work on beefing it up with some great descriptions this week. Then my last goal is a health goal. I have eliminated most sugars, and grains from my diet, and I am working on having healthy and strong teeth the natural way!  I had worked on this last year some, so I have it down pretty good.

Do you have any New Year’s resolutions this year?  Do you have any new goals? Please comment below on what it is that you are working on to keep on trying to be an even better you!



8 thoughts on “New Year, so far. . .”

  1. I also stopped having resolutions and instead I just have goals that I want to accomplish. I am interested on how you keep your teeth healthy the natural way, what do you use?

    1. A healthy diet! I read the book Cure Tooth Decay and it teaches how to cure our teeth using mostly healthy eating choices!

  2. It sounds like it will be an exciting year for you! I have a goal to get and keep healthy as well… I was on a great journey, but have slipped a bit recently and need to get back on track. I love your goal of walking 2019 miles in 2019!

    1. So far we have only gone for walks, but we also joined the gym so I can get on the stairclimber!

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