Novel Writing Month Returns!

Today marks the start of National Novel Writing Month.  This means that blog posts may be hard to come by. The writing energy that is in these fingers must be saved, and focused on my goal.  This goal is being made, and completed through the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) challenge. For more information on what National Novel Writing Month is, please go to the article that I wrote on it last year for NaNoWriMo.


This year is slightly different, however, as I will be writing a fiction novel about a dragon, and my amazing writing partner is none other than my twelve year old son, Asher.  Asher and I have outlined the book. We have worked on character development. He is not ready to write a book, but is learning so much about story development along with me. Asher also has some wonderfully imaginative ideas.  I am feeling really optimistic about our story. Please stay updated as the process is moved along.

Synopsis of our Dragon Story:

Throughout the years dragons have been the villains of the story.  They blow fire, kill knights, and steal everyone’s treasure. What if the dragon is not the evil villain that we always thought them to be?  How would you feel if people only came to see you to steal your treasure, and cut out your heart? This book is a story that my twelve year old son, and I will be working on together throughout the month of November, 2018.  We hope to come out with a book that we can publish, that many people will enjoy, and that I can read aloud to my children in the years to come.”

4 thoughts on “Novel Writing Month Returns!”

  1. This sounds like an amazing story, I was born on the year of the Dragon and I have always been fascinated by them. Good luck to you and your son!


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