Nothing At All

Do you ever feel like you have nothing to say?  For the last few weeks I have felt like I have nothing to say through my blog.  It is not as if I haven’t continued learning new things, because I have. I just haven’t decided what it is that I want to share with the world.  I am actually currently reading four nonfiction books. I am learning a lot about dyslexia, curing tooth decay, changing my brain, and the networks of trees.  Along with that we got a new leopard gecko, and I am relearning how to care for them. We are hatching quail eggs at the moment as well. Maybe the feeling of having nothing to say is also having too much to say, but nothing that would be complete.  I am in the process of all of these things, and yet haven’t finished with them enough to share with the world.


With a summer so far filled with Vacation Bible Schools, and filling up hot tubs, it feels easy to get a little more laid back.  The plan was to finish writing my devotional book while the kids were at different camps, and that did not happen either. So many other things seemed to come up during that time:  Children’s yoga class planning, walking the dog, cleaning, appointments, and some plain old relaxation time.

IMG_2140Last summer I was moving into our house, finishing up college, learning more about the leadership education style of homeschooling, and beginning my yoga certification process.  This summer, I am learning through books, and a new Bible study. I also have a garden that is producing some food for my family along with our chickens, and ducks. However, just writing this post about having nothing to say, has helped generate new ideas.  Be on the lookout for more blog posts about gardening, reading, and styles of learning before going back to school. But for right now, sit back, enjoy your family and the slowness that can be the summer season.