When Your Baby Boy Turns 10

Today is the day.  The day that my baby boy turns 10.  Part of me mourns the sweet little baby he was, and part of me is proud of the boy he is becoming, and part of me is scared of the challenges that he will face as he grows. I wanted this blog to be something that tons of people subscribed to, and learned from, but since I don’t have a lot of readers (yet), then I am going to take today, his golden birthday, and write about him.


This guy hasn’t had it the easiest.  He has had two different surgeries, and stitches for cuts from 4 wheeling.  He has vision issues, and is having a very difficult time reading to him. With that being said, he is the first person who will open the door for someone, or help someone carry something.  He has strong emotions, which can be bad or for good. He loves babies, and he loves cats. Neither of which we can have. He is learning patience, and kindness, though he often says the first thing that comes to his mouth.


This is to you my little blue-eyed wonder.  With your smiles, and cuddles. With your strength, and perseverance.  I pray for you, and hope for your future. Happy birthday!

4 thoughts on “When Your Baby Boy Turns 10”

  1. HaPpY Birthday Grandson! This young man will be in my heart no matter what. I will be happy to celebrate his successes and pray for any challenges he finds in life. I love him so!

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