What Chicks NEED

It is that time of year again!  There are birds chirping in the trees.  Plants are growing, and tree blossoms are blooming, and chicks are everywhere.  Baby chickens, that is. In just about every feed store across America, chicks are cheaping.  I had been avoiding such stores this year, but my husband decided that he would make the kids’ day, and bring home a few . . or six.  The important thing now is to ensure that these chicks have proper care, and so it is lucky that this is not the first time that we have raised chicks into full grown chickens that lay eggs.  I would like to share with you what it is that I know just in case you fall in the chick trap this year.


Chicks NEED it hot
If a mother chicken is raising her chicks, you will not need a source of heat.  The hen will keep her chicks warm with her body heat. However, if you are to buy chicks from a feed store, or hatch them out in a incubator, you will need to keep them under a heat lamp.  Just make sure that the heat lamp is not pointing towards their water, and ensure that there is plenty of space in their brooder where they can escape from the heat if they are too hot.


Chicks NEED a drink
Baby chickens need water that is safe for them.  If they are given water in a dish that is too large, they can fall in and drown.  Also, if the dish is large enough for them to get in, then it would be big enough for them to poop in.  Chicks are super cute and sweet, but they are also dirty little birds. A small chicken water dish like the one shown, or a chicken nipple will do the trick.


Chicks NEED to eat
Feathery little chicks need a special type of food in order to survive.  It is called grower crumble, and there are two major types: medicated, and non-medicated.  Mediated grower feed helps to prevent infections such as coccidiosis. When choosing which one you would like, just make sure that if you choose non-medicated feed in order to go a more natural route that you should watch out for signs of coccidiosis (such as blood in the stool).  Also know that you might end up losing one chick to this disease, because by the time that you medicate for it, it may be too late for the first one to show symptoms.


Chicks NEED  attention
The benefit to raising baby chickens by hand is that they are more likely to grow up more bonded to you, and those who handle them than those who are raised by a mother hen.  Handling them often is what will help them to be more mellow. Another reason that handling them is important is that it gives you the chance to check over your little birds to see that they are healthy.  Some chicks will get a condition called pasty butt. This is when a chicks vent gets covered in feces, and if it is not cleaned up the chick may get backed up, and then die. If one of your chicks has pasty butt, just clean it with a warm damp cloth, and keep an extra close eye on them.  


Raising chicks into chickens can be a very rewarding experience for you, and for the entire family, and as long as you keep the water and cage clean, and the chicks well fed, you will earn the rewards of a great pet that helps to provide food for you all.


Make sure to check out other posts about how to care for these little gals as they grow larger:

Advice to the New Chicken Owner

Winter Predator Control