The Role that Pets Fill

It has almost been an entire week since I last posted a blog article, and the reason is this:


His name is Ollie, but my 11 year old likes to call him Olly Olly Oxen – Fur.
We got him for our family, but also as a companion to our rat terrier Rosie.  There are so many reasons in which to get a new pet for the home, which include: companionship, protection, or in order to fulfil a certain job.  

Dogs, and cats meet the needs for some as the role of a companion.  They are sometimes loyal companions that also offer an “ear to listen”.  Pets fulfill (if only partially) of a friend or a family member.  They are usually happy to see you when you come home.  Pets can also be the companion for a child, or a pet.  I have often found that two dogs are better than one.

Many dogs are protective of their owners, which is great if that is their purpose.  If your dog is not intended for protection, you may wish to seek training in order to calm the aggression.  Dogs have been known for being so protective of their homes, and their owners that they may even die for them.  As heartwarming as this is, we do not want our pets to attack visitors that we welcome into our homes.

Animals can fulfill certain duties that may need to be done around a home, or a farm.  Cats and dogs can take care of pests.  Dogs can protect livestock, or herd them.  Our rat terrier, Rosie, has attacked, and even killed, rats that have invaded our chicken coop. This helps to keep our chickens safer, and healthier.

Whatever the reason that you choose to have a pet in your home, pets need a lot of care.  They need food, attention, hygiene care, and exercise.
Dogs, cats, and other pets may need vet care.  For our new dog, we adopted him from another family, so we took him into the vet for shots that he hasn’t had done yet, and a check up.  Later this week we will be taking him in to be neutered.  Ollie also seems to need a lot of attention.  Since our home has four children that love him, this is usually not an issue.  I love to get some cuddles from him, but when it comes time to play, usually the kids can get him going, and help him to burn off some of that energy.  Another way in which dogs need exercise is through taking them on walks.  Dogs need to get moving, and explore their neighborhood.  This along with some play toys, and things to chew on can keep them out of trouble longer.  Dogs and cats not only need to play, but they also need their teeth cleaned, and their claws trimmed.  They may need baths, or flea treatments.  Owners have to figure out what food works best, and choose what type of treats to give them.  Dogs often benefit from some sort of training.

This article can go on and on about the needs of pets, however, the return is also great.  Before getting a pet make sure to ask yourself if you are willing to take the time, and energy that it will require for you to care for them.  If you are willing to put in the time, then often times, so is your pet.  The relationship that can follow can be  long and rewarding one for the both of you.


2 thoughts on “The Role that Pets Fill”

  1. Dogs make a great addition and can be used to teach our children responsibilities! Very informal for anyone who is thinking about adding another “family member.”

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