Hiking into 2018

Among the many New Year’s resolutions, one common new goal for many is to get into better shape.  This one is true for my family as well.  We have decided that year 2018 is going to be the year of the hike!  When we moved to a beautiful small town last summer, we arrived with the dream of spending so much time outdoors, but as we approached the new year we had yet to attempt even one hike.  This had to be changed.  Not only that, but hiking is a great way to get into excellent shape!  Hiking builds muscle which boosts resting metabolism.  Hiking also gets children outside, and away from too much screen time.

Coincidentally, I have found a Facebook group challenge to hike 2018 miles in 2018.  The miles are tracked based on everyone in the family that attends the hike.  If four people hike 1.65 miles, then you log 6.6 miles.  Our family began the year off great by hiking in the woods.  The next day, we simply chose to walk to the library instead of driving.  We have logged roughly 30 miles so far, and plan to keep on going.  There are a few things that I have learned about hiking with children, and I continue to learn more.

Tips for Hiking With Children

Always carry a backpack: This contains a small first aid kit for boo-boos, water, dried snacks, and gloves or hats in the winter.  There are also packs that double as the backpack, and a baby or toddler carrier.  Needing other gear depends on a few other factors. How long is the hike?  How old are the children?  Will they be walking the entire time, or will they need to be carried?  Bring extra snacks, and water.  This could also include wipes or sanitizer to clean up before or after eating (and maybe a baggie for putting used wipes in).  Extra socks, and clothing can be useful it certain conditions.  Waterproof shoes should actually be considered if you live in an extremely damp environment as I do.  If it is warm day then sunglasses, and sunscreen may be needed.  (A full list will be posted towards the end of the article).

One other tip for hiking with children is to enjoy the scenery, and when your children “stop to smell the roses.,”  do so as well.  I sometimes get caught up in the exercise of the hike, and urge the children to keep on going, but this could cause them (and me) to miss so much.  One of the reasons to take on a challenge such as the 2018 miles in 2018 is not only for exercise, but to get outdoors.  One of the reasons to get outdoors more is so that my children can explore.  So explore, enjoy nature, and get strong.

“an old Indian saying: ‘It’s better to know one mountain than to climb many.”
Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods


List of items that may be needed on a hike:

  • Water bottles or canteens
  • Wipes
  • Bag to put wipes or other trash in
  • Toilet paper (just in case)
  • First aid kit
  • Snacks
  • Gloves or hats in winter
  • Sunglasses and sunscreen
  • Backpack or baby carrier such as the Onya Outback carrier
  • Towel (if the kid may play in water)
  • Exploring tools such as binoculars, magnifying glass, or nature journal
  • Bug spray
  • Pepper spray or bear spray
    (make sure to read up on natural predators in your area)

Try not to get overwhelmed with the list.  Just pack what you think you will need, and get outdoors.  If you have children old enough to carry their own stuff, then have them carry their own pack as well.  Either way just get out there, and get hiking!

9 thoughts on “Hiking into 2018”

  1. I LOVE this. We live in such a beautiful area. I always say that I want to go out and explore, but I always find excuses not to. I am so excited for you that you are actually going! You should be proud 🙂

  2. This morning I did a 6 mile hike. I’m working my way up to the Grand Canyon hike in the Spring. 😊

      1. Camel back pack
        Hiking poles
        Head lamp
        Thermal mylar blanket
        Rain poncho
        First aid kit
        Power snacks
        Thankfully there are places to refill your water a long the way.

    1. Honestly, we forget many of these items about half of the time, but still enjoy ourselves 🙂

      1. I’ve taken to keeping essentials (hiking boots, rain suit, socks, and the 10 essentials) in the back of my car. It gives us more flexibility to hike on a whim too

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