New Year, New You?

Today’s post will be a short and sweet one as we have family visiting from out of town, but sometimes the short ones are the best.

What I have learned about New Year’s Resolutions throughout the years:

  1. They don’t always mean anything.
    Unless you are serious about your resolution, it doesn’t really matter.  There are many resolutions that are made that don’t come into fruition.  Take some time, maybe this entire week, to choose what resolutions will really benefit your life.
  2. Accountability helps.
    People who find an accountability group, are a lot more likely to stick with their resolutions.  This could mean a group of friends that you meet up with at church, or a coffee shop.  It could even just be a facebook group that you create yourself.  The fact is, if you are accountable to someone, you are more likely to keep your resolution.
  3. Make a plan.
    A New Year’s resolution is really just a new goal.  Goals need to be measurable so that you can know if you have really met your goal or not.  This means that you can determine if the goal has been met.  When you choose a goal of losing weight for example, you would say something like, “I will lose five pounds by the end of January…”  This way you are able to reevaluate, and then determine if you have met your goal, what you may need to do differently, and then choose a new goal.
  4. Goals should be visible.  
    Write your goal down somewhere where you will read it every every day.  This could be a note that you tape to your bathroom mirror, an alarm in your phone, or on a wipe board in an area of the home that you see often.  If you want an even more fun method, make a dream board full of what you see for yourself in the coming year.


And finally, remember that failure is normal, but it is all about what you learn from, and do with the failure that matters. Brew up a nice hot cup of tea or coffee, reflect on what happened, and make a new plan for the future. 


Comment below with your New Year’s resolutions this year!