25 Days of Christmas

Every year as December begins my family and I set off on a challenge to do one Christmas type of activity from December first on through Christmas day.  We call this the 25 days of Christmas.  This hardly ever works out perfect, and there are always those days where we throw in a Christmas movie, and call it a day.  Whether your family wants to do something every day in December, or incorporate just a few activities this Christmas season, here are some ideas.


Ideas for the 25 Days of Christmas activities:

  1. Candy cane story, and activities
  2. Attend, or march in a Santa parade
  3. Getting a Christmas tree, and decorating it to Christmas music.
  4. Decorating a gingerbread house
  5. Watching Charlie Brown Christmas while making cards
  6. Making ornaments for the tree
  7. Baking sugar cookies
  8. Buying a gift for a needy child
  9. Singing Christmas carols
  10. Celebrating Jesus’s birthday with a birthday cake and party
  11. Visit an assisted living home
  12. Host a Christmas party
  13. Bake cookies, and give some away to neighbors
  14. Make a countdown chain
  15. Begin a Christmas advent (we use a book from Usborne)
  16. Read the Christmas Carol, and then watch it
  17. Help in, or donate to a homeless shelter
  18. Hand out homeless care packages with hand warmers in them
  19. Do a Christmas themed yoga routine, and have some relaxation
  20. Wrap grandparent gifts, and make part of the gift together
  21. Play outside (in the snow if there is any), or go for a walk, and come back in for hot cocoa
  22. Invite friends over for  Christmas tea party with some stories
  23. Watch the Christmas special from Studio C
  24. Make Christmas hats
  25. Make paper snowflakes
  26. Pajama and Christmas movie day
  27. Make cinnamon rolls in the shape of a Christmas tree
  28. Make dog, or cat, or chicken treats for your pets as a gift
  29. Host or attend a white elephant gift exchange
  30. Attend a holiday themed activity at the local library
  31. Attend a Christmas play or concert
  32. Make homemade Christmas decorations
  33. String popcorn or cranberries on the tree
  34. Elf party with the Elf movie, and candy spaghetti


Hopefully these ideas can get you started, and help you feel the Christmas cheer.  I know that it doesn’t always work out the way that I want it to.  Gingerbread houses never look beautiful, and there are other pinterest fails around our home.  The goal is to keep the spirit bright, and giving this time of year.  Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
