Preserving Freedom

This is a question that was given to me to write about in a “Mom’s Class” at our homeschool commonwealth school.  First off, I would have to answer the question, “What is freedom?”  To me, freedom is the choice of how to live my life to it’s fullest in the fairest, and safest way possible.  This is something that every human being is worthy of, and deserves as a basic right.  In order to preserve freedom, I need to live my life out to its fullest and encourage others to do so as well.  This also means to help those who are defenseless in preserving their freedom. For each person this may mean something else.  It means following not only your passions, but your mission in life.  The book Thomas Jefferson Education for Teens: And Every Adult Who Wants to Change World helped me to better define my purpose in life.  I found that my mission is to help those who are unable to help themselves.  For me, this means creating a home that not only encourages preserving personal freedom for my own children, but reaching out to others as well.  We are currently in the process of becoming licensed to care for children who are in the foster care system.  There are families who are in need of great help of preserving their freedom, and their right to live a life full of meaning, and purpose.  I feel that it is my calling to help and provide this for them as I help my children along the process as well.

The preamble to the Declaration of Independence states that, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”  Many people have died for these preconceived notions of freedom.  What does preserving freedom mean for you?  What is your happiness?

1 thought on “Preserving Freedom”

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    write better content.

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