Ah, Ahh, Ahhh, Allergies!

Spring is in the air!  Unfortunately, so is pollen.  For some that may mean it is the time of year for seasonal allergies.  Not everyone has them, but for those who do, it can be pure torture. Some suffer enough to need medication, and yet sometimes medication leads to other issues.  I would like to share two natural remedies that have worked my family in battling allergies.


Local Raw HoneyIMG_6564

The local part here is crucial.  My husband has suffered as long as I have know him.  If there is pollen in the air, he would suffer from allergies.  If he would suffer from allergies, he would get a sinus infection.  The same would be true every time that the children would bring an illness into the home.  If they got sick, he would get sick. If he would get sick, he would get a sinus infection.  This would often lead to fevers, missed work, and antibiotics. Then we discovered local raw honey.  He began using this in his coffee every morning, and like sunshine on the horizon after a rainy day, life became clearer.  Since beginning the new regime, his allergies and illness were rarely showing their ugly heads. Some may say that this is pure coincidence, however, when we moved the allergies came back.  We had moved to a new town and hour away. All we had to do was to switch to honey that was more local, and voila, allergies gone. Since he has done this, he has only been sick one time. One time in a year is not bad.  


Coturnix Quail EggsIMG_6567

As mentioned in a previous blog post on raising quail for eggs, my son suddenly had eczema.  When we asked the pediatrician about this, he stated that it was probably an allergy and that he could prescribe us a cream.  I didn’t want a prescription, so I researched instead. I read online that ancient Asian medicine had been using quail eggs for centuries in order to cure allergies.  In the article it mentioned that the eggs would have to be eaten regularly in order to work over a longer period of time, and yet my son saw immediate results. When he began eating Coturnix quail eggs, his skin would clear up.  In the winter, when the quail stop laying he still gets eczema towards the end of the season, but when spring arrives, and he begins eating the quail eggs again, it clears up again.


The CombinationIMG_5810

My seven year old daughter is the newest member of this allergy club in my family.  Over the last year, she began suffering randomly from hives. When we asked the pediatrician about her allergies, she said that we could just do an elimination diet.  In doing this, the only pattern that we saw was peanuts, but peanuts are in so many things that we wanted to be sure. We took her into an allergy specialist for a scratch test.  It turns out that she is allergic to peanuts, and to weeds, and grass, and trees, and dust mites, and the list goes on. We knew that we couldn’t avoid all those things, and didn’t want to put such a young child on allergy medication, so we turned to our old remedies.  We avoid peanuts, she eats raw honey at least once a week, and has quail eggs at least once a week. She has only had hives twice since doing this, and the break out area hasn’t been too large.


I know that these natural remedies will not work for everyone.
Everyone is different.
Every allergy is different.
I am writing this article to educate everyone that there are other options to try besides medication.  

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