More Fitness for the Busy Mom

As was mentioned in a previous post, I like to begin my day with yoga when I can.  I have only been doing this for a few months, and the muscle, and flexibility that I am gaining is amazing.  Before we moved, I used to belong to a YMCA, and we were there almost every day of the week.  Now that we have moved further out of the city, I have to be more creative about getting fitness in.  I have always been able to gain weight easily.  Having four children, and aging have only made it more difficult.  I am happy for this month that I have found a walking challenge that I could be apart of on a group on Facebook.  The challenge is to go for a walk every day, and to post a photo from the walk, as well as one thing that you are thankful for.  All of you who frequent social media have seen the daily thankfulness posts for November.  This is the same thing, but with a twist.  The name of the group is Fit2B Walking, and it is not too late to join.  Fit2B also has other programs that are available.  Through being a part of the Fit2B Walking Thankfulness challenge, there are also freebies, and prizes.  I can only talk about the walking challenge from experience, but would also like to post a link for those who want to check out what else Fit2B has to offer:


If you do decide to look into Fit2B for home fitness, please use this link, as I am helping to support them and may be compensated for doing so.  That means that although I am taking part of the Walking Thankful challenge, and want others to know about it.  The link to their site is a part of an affiliate program.  What a wonderful way for moms, and others to be able to work on becoming more healthy from the comfort of their own homes!  If nothing else, join me in the group, and begin to get a walk in every day (especially right before the holidays).
